North Carolina

Overall Policy Lever Score


The minimum child care licensing requires twelve semester hours in early childhood education or a related field, two semester hours, 32 clock hours, or one year experience in early childhood administration. If administration requirement is not met, it is possible to share administrative responsibilities with a qualified individual. Level I  of the North Carolina Early Childhood Administration Credential is the minimum level required by law for all child care administrators. Levels II and III are voluntary. Pre-K certification is available in principal licensure which requires a master’s degree. The QRIS, North Carolina Star Rated License, is a points-based system that builds on the foundation of licensing standards. A principal license is required for administrators of school-based state pre-K programs and a director credential with a bachelor’s degree is required for directors of community-based programs with state pre-K. There are three early childhood administration degree programs in North Carolina offered by University of North Carolina at Wilmington and University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Two early childhood leadership academies are also available.

Interesting Facts: North Carolina