Degree to which a state met the policy levers. (Overall Score)
- 8-10
- 5-7
- 3-4
- 0-2
Policy lever scores were determined by examining statewide policies against a multiple indicator rubric. An average score for each lever was computed and averaged to yield the Overall Policy Levers Score.
Interesting Facts: National Profile
There are 27 times more degree programs to prepare principals than those to prepare center- or home-based administrators.
Only 9 out of 40 administrator credentials require a minimum of an associate degree.
There are 94 early childhood degree programs with a focus on management, administration, leadership, or advocacy.
California, Illinois, and Pennsylvania achieved the highest overall scores on the Policy Levers.
Only Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Washington DC require an associate degree of directors in child care licensing.