National Louis University

Since 1886, National Louis University (NLU) has provided a progressive and professional education that builds careers and strengthens communities. The university offers bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees in fields of education, management, human services, counseling, public policy, culinary arts, hospitality and others concerned with career and community development.

From its inception, NLU has brought educational access to adult, immigrant, and minority populations. It was built on the principle that a quality education can transform lives, careers, and communities, and NLU holds true to its mission of providing a superior and supportive educational experience for students of all ages and backgrounds.

Our leaders are passionate advocates for education and firm believers in its equalizing and uplifting effect on families and communities. Their role is to “serve those who serve others” by providing a quality learning environment for the highest degree of student success.

Today, NLU offers more than 60 undergraduate and graduate degree programs through four colleges: National College of Education, College of Professional Studies and Advancement, Kendall College of Culinary Arts and Hospitality Management, and the Undergraduate College. The university serves more than 8,000 students at seven locations in Illinois and Florida, and the 65,000 living alumni are proudly using their NLU education to serve others.

Through our relationship with NLU, several McCormick Center professional learning opportunities may be taken for NLU college credit, which are offered at a discounted tuition rate.

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Discover your career pathway.

As a part of National Louis University (NLU), the McCormick Center provides options to take select professional learning opportunities for undergraduate or graduate college credits. Use this foundation to earn your degree in the variety of early childhood education programs through NLU’s National College of Education. Your pathway to comprehensive lifelong learning starts here.

You can opt to earn college credits in the following McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership professional learning opportunities:

Build off the college credit you earn to complete your degree.

The McCormick Center’s professional learning opportunities, if taken for college credit, count toward the following NLU early childhood education degrees:

Linked Early Childhood Education Degrees

BA in Early Childhood Practice (Non-Licensure)

BA in Early Childhood Practice (Non-Licensure) prepares professionals to work in early childhood and social service settings that do not require state licensure; provides the academic credits required to apply for the Illinois Gateways to Opportunity credentials, including ECE, Infant Toddler, Family Child Care, and the Illinois Director Credential. (Aim4Excellence applies to this degree.)

MEd in Early Childhood Administration (Non-Licensure)

MEd in Early Childhood Administration (Non-Licensure) is a 100% online master’s program designed for current and aspiring leaders of center and home-based early childhood programs; provides the required academic credits needed to apply for the Illinois Director Credential through Illinois Gateways to Opportunity. (Taking Charge of Change or Leadership Connections applies to this degree.)

Get your license.

In addition, NLU also offers the following degrees and endorsement options for students seeking teacher licensure (Professional Educator License) in Early Childhood Education.

Additional Degree and Endorsement Options

Early Childhood Education Degrees
  • BA in Early Childhood Education (Licensure): Earn a bachelor’s degree and prepare for licensure to teach children birth to grade two.
  • MAT in Early Childhood Education (Licensure): Earn a master’s degree in early childhood and prepare for licensure to teach children birth to grade two if you already have a bachelor’s degree from another discipline.
Early Childhood Education Endorsements

Complete your degree for less.

You may qualify for a 10% tuition scholarship if you have taken a McCormick Center professional learning opportunity within the past calendar year. Contact an NLU Enrollment Specialist to find out if you qualify.

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Job Title
  • Job Title
  • Director/Assistant Director
  • Education or Family Coordinator
  • Family Child Care Provider
  • Trainer/Coach/Technical Assistance Specialist
  • Researcher/Assessor
  • Policymaker/Federal or State Administrator
  • Principal/Assistant Principal
  • Teacher
  • Student
  • Other
  • Interests
  • Director’s Toolbox management series training
  • L.E.A.D. Early Childhood™ Clearinghouse
  • Leadership Academies (Taking Charge of Change™ / Taking the Lead)
  • Leadership Connections™ National Conference
  • National Director Credential (Aim4Excellence™)
  • eLearning
  • Resource Library
  • Other
List Type
  • List Type
  • All Lists
  • Events (monthly; announcements about upcoming McCormick Center professional learning opportunities)
  • Resources (two per month; resources that align with whole leadership)
  • Updates (monthly; news and updates about issues, innovation, research, and policies affecting early childhood leadership.)