August 29, 2024

Retiree Marleen Barrett celebrates her 15 years with National Louis University

by Marleen Barrett

The words from the song PEOPLE:
People who need people
Are the luckiest people in the world

These words are what come to mind as I reflect on my career at National Louis University (NLU).

I want to thank all those people whom I have I worked with, encountered, coached, and served in the various roles I have held.

I began in the NCE Dean’s office under the supervision and leadership of Alison Hilsabeck and Joan Fedota. During my four years in the Dean’s office, I met and interacted with so many NLU staff and faculty. It was a privilege to serve on the NCE Leadership team, the strategic planning team, and participate in an accreditation review. I learned so much from the NCE team and have very fond memories of my deep dive into the field of Higher Education.

From the Dean’s office, I ventured across the Wheeling campus parking lot to the McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership (MCECL). My pre-NLU career was as a Director of Training and Development at a National Association and the move to MCECL allowed me to return to my passion of adult training in leadership.

Through our Leadership Academies of Ready to Lead, Taking Charge of Change, and Taking the Lead I have had the pleasure to coach a number of child care center directors and family child care owners throughout Illinois. The friendships I made with these participants have been so important and life-changing for me.

My role at MCECL also included nine years as the coordinator for the yearly MCECL Leadership Connections National Conference. During that time we doubled the attendance of the conference. The conference opened the door to meeting and building relationships with sponsors, exhibitors, speakers, presenters, the MCECL advisory board, and staff. Again, it was working with and getting to know people! So many of them have left an imprint on my life.

The many staff I have worked alongside at the McCormick Center are like family and I would like to recognize each of them but will scale it down to a mention of three special supervisors I have worked with. A special thank you to Mike Able, Marsha Hawley, and Barbara Volpe. Each of them have helped me to grow and develop as a professional.

In closing, not only has NLU provided many benefits to my family and myself, my hope would be that in your encounters with me, you would have experienced my joy in Christ my Lord, and my love of people.

In the words of yet another song, Thanks for the memories!

