Director’s Toolbox Management Series: Circle of Influence

This event is not open to the public

This event is in partnership with the GA Dept of Early Care and Learning and is not open to the public

All too often directors of early care and education programs spend time planning and implementing meetings only to find out that the “real” meeting happens in the parking lot after the designated time that was set aside for the formal gathering. Collaboration and involving staff in the decision-making process can be challenging. Yet, directors can influence decision-making practices and it is imperative that they do so.

Building trust and a spirit of collaboration in early childhood programs is central to achieving high-performing work teams. Meaningful involvement in decision making is one way that trust and commitment to organizational goals can be achieved. This session presents a framework for analyzing different types of decisions in program management and how directors can move to a more participatory process in achieving organizational goals.

  1. Understand the principles underlying inclusive leadership
  2. Become aware of the decision-making style best suited for you and your organization
  3. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of different levels of participation
  4. Apply decision-making criteria to group decisions

Presented by: Jill Bella, Director of Professional Learning and Barb Volpe, Leadership Academy Manager


May 14, 2019 


Georgia International Convention Center, 2000 Convention Center Concourse, Atlanta GA 30337


For information on how to host your own Director’s Toolbox training event, please contact Catie Hein-Carter at


Your local child care resource and referral agency may have scholarship funds available to assist with your registration or tuition costs for this event. Find your local CCR&R.
