Director’s Toolbox Management Series: From the Inside Out

This event is not open to the public

This event is in partnership with the GA Dept of Early Care and Learning and is not open to the public

The frenetic pace that characterizes the professional lives of most early childhood directors leaves little time for reflection. Yet it is through reflection that educators often gain insight into the issues and problems that confront them. This session provides a focused opportunity for participants to reflect on their administrative roles. Key to this reflective journey will be the use of metaphoric imagery.

Presented by: Jill Bella, Director of Professional Learning and Barb Volpe, Leadership Academy Manager


December 18, 2018 


Georgia International Convention Center, 2000 Convention Center Concourse, Atlanta GA 30337


For information on how to host your own Director’s Toolbox training event, please contact Jill Bella at


Your local child care resource and referral agency may have scholarship funds available to assist with your registration or tuition costs for this event. Find your local CCR&R.
