Powerhouse Positive Guidance: Turning Around Behavior Struggles and Empowering Your Most Rambunctious, Challenging, Sensitive, and Vulnerable Toddlers with Competence for Success
This event will take place at the NAEYC Annual Conference
Revitalize teaching, coaching, and family partnerships with research-based, development-fostering strategies that boost toddlers’ language skills, strengthen social-emotional competence, and scaffold self-directed behavior regulation. Meet the unique needs of toddlers within a framework of resilience-promoting, child-centered guidance that will reorient your practice and radically change outcomes for children. Skills are inclusive for toddlers learning multiple languages, those with special needs, and children experiencing multiple risk factors including trauma and stress.
Presented by: Marie Masterson, Ph.D., Director of Quality Assessment
November 15, 2018
10:00am – 11:30am
NAEYC Annual Conference, Marriott Marquis, Washington D.C.